Species-Only Aquariums by Tank Size: Best Fish for Every Setup from 5 to 125 Gallons
We’ll explore some exciting options for species-only tanks. Species-only setups offer a unique feel, and many featured fish are popular choices among aquarists. This guide covers species-only tanks organized by size, ensuring options for every aquarium.
Prepping for Your Tank Setup
Before we dive into the list of inhabitants, here are two quick notes:
- For single-fish setup inspiration, check out Joanna’s video linked in the description. It’s worth a look for inspiration.
- If you want more information about the fish featured in this article, Check the links provided for species profiles and care details. You’ll find species profiles and care details.
The 5-Gallon Aquarium
Let’s start small. If you’re new to fishkeeping, keep in mind that smaller aquariums, like a 5-gallon tank, can be harder to regulate in terms of water parameters. For experienced fishkeepers, though, here are some cool options:
- Shrimp:
Shrimp make excellent species-only aquarium inhabitants. They stay tiny, are highly active, and come in various colors. Popular choices include blue dream, cherry, and pumpkin shrimp. If you choose shrimp, I recommend sticking to one color type, especially with Neocaridina, as mixing colors often results in hybrid offspring with dull, brownish shades. - Florida Least Killifish (Heterandria formosa):
These are among the world’s smallest freshwater fish, with females reaching about ¾ of an inch and males about ½ inch. They are active, peaceful, and perfect for a 5-gallon tank. Despite their size, they bring plenty of personality and include a stunning gold variety.
The 10-Gallon Aquarium
You can keep all the species mentioned above in a 10-gallon tank and add more individuals. Here are additional options:
- Guppies and Endlers:
Guppies are full of color and activity. They are colorful, active, and breed easily. Start with a couple of males and 6–8 females for a vibrant setup. - Tiger Limia:
This uncommon livebearer has a fun personality and a unique greenish-gold sheen. - Rice Fish:
These small fish have shiny, iridescent colors and display fascinating behavior, like carrying eggs attached to their anal fins.
The 20-Gallon Aquarium
For a 20-gallon tank, consider cichlids:
- Shell-Dwelling Cichlids:
Species like Neolamprologus multifasciatus (Maltese) and N. brevis stay small and exhibit fascinating behaviors like rearranging sand and shells. - Rock-Dwelling Cichlids:
Options like Julidochromis ornatus and J. transcriptus have striking colors and patterns. These fish are territorial but thrive in species-only setups.
The 40–55-Gallon Aquarium
Two standout options for this range are:
- Pearl Gourami:
These peaceful fish have gorgeous coloration and can be kept in groups, unlike other gouramis. - Mbuna Cichlids:
Species like Pseudotropheus saulosi and rusty cichlids are colorful, less aggressive, and perfect for mid-sized tanks.
The 75-Gallon Aquarium
Larger tanks bring more options:
- Electric Blue Acara:
These peaceful cichlids have striking blue coloration and do well in groups. - Goldfish:
Fancy goldfish are perfect for a 75-gallon setup. They’re hardy, peaceful, and don’t require heated water.
Other options include Midas cichlids and flowerhorns, which are best kept alone due to their size and aggression.
The 125-Gallon Aquarium
For a six-foot tank, consider these showstoppers:
- Oscars:
These large, colorful cichlids are personable and active. A 125-gallon can house 2–3 Oscars comfortably. - Peacock Cichlids:
An all-male Peacock Cichlid tank offers breathtaking colors but requires careful aggression management. - Geophagus:
Species like G. altifrons or G. steindachneri are peaceful, colorful, and perfect for larger tanks.
Key Information
Tank Size | Species | Highlights |
5 Gallons | – Shrimp (Blue Dream, Cherry, Pumpkin) – Florida Least Killifish (Heterandria formosa) | – Shrimp: Variety of colors, active in all tank levels – Killifish: Tiny size (0.5″-0.75″), livebearers, easy to keep in small tanks |
10 Gallons | – Guppies and Endlers – Tiger Limia – Rice Fish | – Guppies: Colorful, active, prolific breeders – Tiger Limia: Greenish-gold sheen, peaceful – Rice Fish: Iridescent, fascinating egg-laying process |
20 Gallons | – Shell-Dwelling Cichlids (Neolamprologus multifasciatus, Brevis, Similis) – Rock-Dwelling Cichlids (Julidochromis ornatus, Transcriptus, Leleupi) | – Shell-Dwellers: Full of personality, sand rearranging – Rock-Dwellers: Vibrant colors (yellow, black, orange), potential for breeding |
40-55 Gallons | – Pearl Gourami (Standard, Gold) – Mbuna Cichlids (Pseudotropheus saulosi, Rusty Cichlids, Yellow Labs) | – Gouramis: Peaceful, colorful, active at all tank levels – Mbuna: Stunning colors, less aggressive varieties for smaller tanks |
75 Gallons | – Electric Blue Acara – Fancy Goldfish – Midas Cichlid/Flowerhorn | – Acara: Bright electric blue, peaceful, group-friendly – Goldfish: Room-temperature tolerance, hardy – Midas/Flowerhorn: Bold, large, highly interactive with keepers |
125 Gallons | – Oscar Cichlids – Peacock Cichlids – Geophagus (Altifrons, Steindachneri, etc.) – Angelfish – Discus | – Oscars: Bold personality, stunning variety – Peacock Cichlids: Vibrant males, manage aggression – Geophagus: Stunning natural behavior – Discus: Regal color, sensitive care |
Species-only aquariums allow fish to display their natural behaviors, creating a more enriching and visually stunning experience. Choose fish suited to your tank size and water parameters to enjoy the unique dynamics of a species-only setup.